Zuni Fetish Animal Meanings
Zuni alligator fetish carving- Survival, stealth
Zuni antelope fetish carving- Speed, grace, rapid advancement
Zuni Armadillo fetish carving- Slow, sure, gets things right, keeper of the home.
Zuni Badger fetish carving- Boldness, perseverance, individuality, healing- one of the six directional fetishes- South
Zuni bat fetish carving- Guardian of the night, cleaner
Zuni bear fetish carving- strength, introspection, self-knowledge, healing, lightens emotional burdens, the power of the soul- one of the six directional fetishes- West
Zuni beaver fetish carving- Builder, strong sense of family & home, power of working & attaining a sense of achievement, keeper of the waterways
Zuni bee fetish carving- Service, gathering, community
Zuni bird fetish carving- Unity, freedom, community
Zuni buffalo fetish carving- Abundance, healing, good fortune, endurance to overcome, great emotional courage, provider to all
Zuni butterfly fetish carving- Transformation, balance, grace, the ability to know or to change the mind
Zuni coyote fetish carving- Laughter, humor, foolishness, trickiness, reversal of fortune, master trickster
Zuni caribou fetish carving- Travel, mobility
Zuni crow fetish carving- Council, wisdom, resourcefulness, the keeper of the sacred law
Zuni deer carving- Great power of gentleness, Sensitivity, Peace
Zuni dog fetish carving- Loyalty, nobility, true & loyal friend
Zuni dolphin fetish carving- Trust, loyalty, spirit of friendship, joy, harmony, connection with self
Zuni dragonfly fetish carving- Skill, refinement, relentlessness
Zuni duck fetish carving- Spirit of those who have passed on
Zuni eagle fetish carving- Creator, teacher, loyalty, great integrity, spirit connection to the divine, potency, healing, power, illumination- one of the six directional fetishes-Sky
Zuni elk fetish carving- Pride, power, majesty, pacing for stamina
Zuni feather- spirit
Zuni fish fetish carving- Purifier, character, ability to hide emotions
Zuni fox fetish carving- Camouflage, protection, ingenuity, quickness, cleverness, subtlety, discretion, great passion
Zuni frog fetish carving- Bringer of rain, abundance, fertility, cleansing, peace, emotional healing, silently warns of danger
Zuni goat fetish carving- Tenacity, diligence
Zuni goose fetish carving- Safe return, love of home
Zuni hawk fetish carving- Messenger of the Gods, awareness, truth, to observe the obvious in what you do
Zuni hedgehog fetish carving- Self- preservation
Zuni horned toad fetish carving- Self reliance, longevity, protects ancestral bounty
Zuni horse fetish carving- Swiftness, strength, enlightenment, healing, freedom, power, safe movement
Zuni hummingbird fetish carving- Beauty, wonder, agility, messenger, stopper of time
Zuni Kokopelli carving- Fertility, music, joy
Zuni lizard fetish carving- Letting go, elusiveness, agility, conversation
Zuni loon fetish carving- Communication, serenity
Zuni lynx fetish carving- Knower of secrets, clairvoyant ability
Zuni mole fetish carving- Amplifies connection with the earth, protector of the crops- one of the six directional fetishes, Underground
Zuni moose fetish carving- Headstrong, unstoppable, longevity, unpredictability
Zuni mountain lion fetish carving- Leadership, resourcefulnesLs, courage, high standards, balance- one of the six directional fetishes- North
Zuni mouse fetish carving- Illusion, charm, scrutiny, paying attention to detail
Zuni otter fetish carving- Laughter, curiosity, mischievousness, joy, lightness
Zuni owl fetish carving- Wisdom, vision, insight, deception, can see what others can't
Zuni pheasant fetish carving- Confidence, attraction, flamboyance
Zuni porcupine fetish carving- Power of faith & trust, innocence, humility
Zuni quail fetish carving- Sacred spiral, ceremonial, holy, protectiveness, group harmony
Zuni rabbit fetish carving- Virtue, serenity, low curiosity, quiet talent, passion, conquering fear, safety, special guardian of women in childbirth, safe birth, long life
Zuni raccoon fetish carving- Bandit, shy, resourcefulness
Zuni ram fetish carving- Sense of self worth, assures an increase in flocks
Zuni raven fetish carving- Magic, the messenger of the great mystery, a change in consciousness, exploration of the unknown
Zuni salmon fetish carving- Determination, persistence
Zuni sandpiper fetish carving- Quickness- foraging, scavenging
Zuni seagull fetish carving- Carefree attitude, versatility, freedom
Zuni seal fetish carving- Family oriented, contentment, possess power in numbers
Zuni sheep fetish carving- Charity, elegance, passion, best at the arts, talents bring riches
Zuni skunk fetish carving- Caution, warning, intense, conspicuous, wariness
Zuni snail fetish ccarving- Perseverance, determination
Zuni snake fetish carving- Power, life force, sexual potency, transmutation, death, rebirth
Zuni spider fetish carving- Creative patterns of life, web of life, interconnection, industry
Zuni squirrel fetish carving- Natural intelligence, saver, protects reserves, trust, thrift
Zuni swan fetish carving- Elegance, nurturing
Zuni turkey fetish carving- Smart, elusive, festive
Zuni turtle fetish carving- Longevity, fertility. love, protection, healing, knowledge, home, reliability, oldest symbol of mother earth
Zuni whale fetish carving- Creativity, intuition
Zuni wolf fetish carving- Teacher, pathfinder, sharing of your knowledge, loyalty, interdependence, family oriented, never ending journey- one of the six directional fetishes- East